COLORS offers free language instruction and practice in a live online modality.
English Language Services
English language services are offered during fall and spring semesters according to student interest and faculty availability for supervision. Some semesters may have more service options compared to other semesters. You can always ask about a service, and we can add you to our email list for information about enrollment. August and January are good months to ask about service enrollment.
Talking Point, informal, small group, English conversation practice on various topics
Grammar in Writing, personalized tutoring for improving grammar in academic writing
Speaking English Grammar, speaking practice with an English grammar focus
Community English, personalized instruction and practice for reading, writing, speaking, and listening
Speaking with a Purpose, speaking practice to develop communicative ability
Pronouncing American English, instruction targeting the pronunciation of
American English and strategies for improving communication effectiveness
Advanced Grammar Review, instruction for some of the most challenging concepts in English grammar
TOEFL & TOEIC Preparation, instruction aimed at improving performance on
select sections of the TOEFL & TOEIC